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   Nautilus® STUDIO

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The Nautilus® Medical 2ST machines tout many rehabilitation features. Lightened, counter-balanced weight stacks with 1 pound increment changes facilitate documentation of slight strength gains and allow acute rehabilitation phase utilization. Hydraulic assist seat and back adjustments with reproducible increment markings allow patient positioning from the exercise position. The Compound Row features independent, diverging movement arms providing reciprocal exercise possibilities, and assessment of involved, uninvolved extremity variances. The lightweight stack — first seven plates are 3.3 pounds; remaining plates 10 pounds, customize machines to accommodate the frailest individuals. Fully enclosed weight stacks and mechanisms improve safety and aesthetics, and a Kevlar belt drive system provides smooth operation and optimum safety. The oversized, easily accessible padded seats and full back and neck support
increase patient comfort and confidence.

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Rolyan engineers have developed an effective anti-microbial that are currently available on our most requested thermoplastics providing continuous anti- microbial defense for the useful life of the splint
The anti-microbial protection will not wash or peel off, allowing the splint to be reheated and cleaned as per normal guidelines.
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