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   Stainless Steel Goniometers

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Professional-quality goniometers feature clearly marked degree increments and easy-to-read inch and centimeter linear measurements. Latex free.

180° 7" (18cm) “Robinson” Pocket Goniometer. Marked in 5° increments for measuring small hand joints.

180° 8" (20cm) Goniometer. Two 180° scales in opposite directions marked in 1º increments. Knurled knob adjusts arm tension, or fully locks the arms.

180° 14" (36cm) Goniometer. Two 180° scales that read in opposite directions. Marked in 1° increments. Non-locking friction arm.

360° 14" (36cm) Goniometer. One 360° and two 180° scales that read in opposite directions. Marked in 1° increments. Locking arm. Knurled knob adjusts arm tension.

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