Designed to convert Peabody item scores into standard scores, percentile ranks and age equivalents. Generates composite quotients. Compare Peabody subtest performance and composite performance to identify significant intra-individual differences. Provides a printed report of the student’s identifying
information. Pull-down menus to easily navigate software. Fields for storing detailed examiner and testing information. Three onscreen/report quotient score confidence level options (68%, 95%, and 99%). On-screen subtest and quotient score comparisons. Print reports using only gross or only fine motor scores. Save or print as standard clinical report (2 page summary of test scores) or detailed clinical report (fully customized 68 page analysis including treatment
goals and objectives). Minimum system requirements: IBM PC or compatible; Microsoft Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0; 300 MHz Pentium processor/equivalent or higher; 64 MB RAM (128 MB RAM or higher recommended); a hard disk with at least 25MB of free space; a mouse; and a CD-ROM drive. |