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   Polar Heart Rate Monitors

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FS1™ - Basic. Features EKG accurate heart rate, manual target zone, visual/audible alarm in target zone, water resistant to 50m, extra-large digits, time of day and stopwatch. Records exercise time and average heart rate of total exercises.

FS3™ - Basic Fitness. Includes the same features as the FS1 plus automatic heart rate zone and maximum heart rate. The backlit watch also features date and weekday indicator and Heart Touch™.

F4™ Group Fitness Trainer. The Group Fitness Trainer has the same features as the F4 plus extended exercise profiles, Polar Own Zone® and Polar OwnCode®. It also has SonicLink, exercise data download from wrist unit to Polar web service or SW, 12 exercise files, exercise file info page with date and time and fat percentage as part of the calorie expenditure calculation.

F6™ Fitness Companion. Provides many features in addition to the basics including wireless ECG accurate heart rate, Polar OwnCal®, visual/audible alarms for target zones, Fitness Bullets, average heart rate of total exercise, exercise date, UpLink settings upload from Polar web site or software to wrist unit. Recording features are one exercise file, exercise time, time in target zone, target zone limits, average heart rate of total exercise and calorie expenditure.

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