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This unweighting system applies vertical support to remove the stress of bearing body weight. Pair with a treadmill, stair climber, stationary bike, or other exercise equipment.

  • Balance Mode: Feature unique to this product. Supports client’s entire body weight and prevents falls if client loses balance. Increases confidence to perform small vertical movements such as walking, running, or balance activities.
  • Exercise Mode: Allows large vertical movements such as jumping or stair climbing. Compressor required for operation of unweighting system. 0–300 lb. adjustable pneumatic lift (unweighting capability per station) force. Vertical range of motion 0–30" (76cm). Adjustable height 7'11" to 8'8" (249-287cm). Assembly required.
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Rolyan engineers have developed an effective anti-microbial that are currently available on our most requested thermoplastics providing continuous anti- microbial defense for the useful life of the splint
The anti-microbial protection will not wash or peel off, allowing the splint to be reheated and cleaned as per normal guidelines.
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