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   Kinetec Prima™ Advance Knee CPM Machine

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Simplicity, combined with a famous brand name, provides effective passive mobilization of the knee. Easy to use and adjust: simple, straight forward movement adjustments for ROM limits, speed and patient sizing.Tactile adjustment marks for patients with sight deficiency. Weighing only 24 lbs., the Prima Advance is ideal for hospital or home. The 37" length simplifies use in a hospital bed or in small spaces anywhere. Range of motion from -5° to 115° of flexion. Allows for treatment of all knee pathologies.


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Rolyan engineers have developed an effective anti-microbial that are currently available on our most requested thermoplastics providing continuous anti- microbial defense for the useful life of the splint
The anti-microbial protection will not wash or peel off, allowing the splint to be reheated and cleaned as per normal guidelines.
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