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   Free Standing Side Access Whirlpool Tub

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The 3650 is the newest member of the Invacare bathing systems. The side-door system provides easy entry, easy exit with or without the assistance of a transfer device. The side door accommodates Invacare's 1900 Series transporters as well as a variety of sling lifts when an assist is needed to transfer a patient from bed to bath. Heavy-duty hinges suspended on a spring-assisted raising and lowering mechanism support the door. The seat is designed to index with the tub, so residents can remain comfortably seated while enjoying full immersion bathing and the convenience of bathing the lower extremities. The deluxe console provides the operator a “fast fill”, anti-scald mixing valve, tub fill, thermometer, shower wand and whirlpool controls. The automatic disinfectant system is housed in a lockable cabinet. A full gallon container dispenses disinfectant into the whirlpool loop. The whirlpool is 72" long and comes standard with four jets. Both are 34"W.


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Rolyan engineers have developed an effective anti-microbial that are currently available on our most requested thermoplastics providing continuous anti- microbial defense for the useful life of the splint
The anti-microbial protection will not wash or peel off, allowing the splint to be reheated and cleaned as per normal guidelines.
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